Thursday, February 18, 2016

Dragonball Xenoverse: Male Earthling Guide

Be sure to check out my other Xenoverse guides...

Female Saiyan


For attack stats, male earthlings have the highest stat in Strike Supers and 2nd highest in melee Basic Attacks (behind male saiyans), among the 8 possible races and genders.  And they rank 4th in Ki Blast Supers (behind all females).  They also tie for 3rd in health with female earthlings (behind male majins and namekians), which means they are by no means frail.  They have medium speed stats.

Being human, they will charge Ki automatically.  The rate at which Ki charges depends on the Earthling's Max Ki.  A higher max Ki means faster Ki auto-charge.  It quickly becomes much faster than any Z-Soul that auto-charges Ki, although the Ki charge from a Z-Soul will indeed stack with the earthling's natural ability.  Although they lack super saiyan transformations, earthlings are average or better (sometimes even the best) in every single stat in Xenoverse.  This means they don't really have a weakness, and make a great choice as a first character.  Earthlings also get a +20% attack boost when Ki is at max.  Since this is much easier to achieve, and happens far more often, than a saiyan's low health attack boost, this means earthlings do far more damage per hit than any other race.

Because of their stats and auto-charging Ki, male earthlings are best used as brawlers and strikers, focusing on either melee Basic Attacks or Striker Supers or both.  Even if they could use super saiyan, they wouldn't want to anyway, since it means never taking advantage of their max Ki damage bonus.  What can take advantage of this bonus is Kaioken and Unlock Potential transformations, since Kaioken drains Stamina instead of Ki.  And even though Unlock Potential drains Ki, it's drain is so slow that the earthling's Ki-charge ability easily overcomes this drain, allowing them to continue auto-charging Ki even while transformed, effectively making it possible for earthlings to use Unlock Potential forever.  The stat increases from Kaioken and Unlock Potential transformations will indeed stack with the 20% damage bonus from max Ki.

Character Creation

Since your character's appearance has an effect on stats, I figured I should discus it first.  Only 2 things matter here: height and weight.  The rest is personal preference.

Height affects your character's speed and health.  Tall characters are slower, but have more health.  Short characters are faster, but have less health.  I typically like to be fast, and just use that speed to avoid damage, but this one is really a personal preference.  Try a few different heights and see what you like best.

Weight, however, is very important to most builds.  Light characters do more damage with Ki Blasts Supers.  Heavy characters do more damage with Strike Supers and melee Basic Attacks.  You definitely want the heaviest weight here.


For Clothes, you want any of the following...
  • Whis Symbol Gi/Suit
  • Time Patroller Outfit
  • Battle Suit Bardock
All of these clothes increase your Basic Attacks, Strike Supers, and Stamina by +5, while decreasing your Ki Blast Supers, that you don't need anyway.  Whis clothes you get automatically with DLC.  Time Patroller Outfit you get for free when you beat the game, although it does not come with gloves.  Bardock's Suit is from PQ52, although it is not that hard to farm this one, since PQ52 is great to use to level up fast anyway.

For Z-Soul, there are several options.
  • Guess we should fuse into Vegito.
  • I'm neither Kami nor Piccolo now.
  • Might as well.
  • I'll take you down.
  • You can be my first victim.
Vegito's Z-Soul gives +4 to Strike Supers, while also giving a small increase to all stats while you have either a transformation or reinforcement skill active, which is good for pairing with Unlock Potential.  This Z-Soul also reduces Max Ki and Stamina slightly, so keep that in mind when distributing stat points if you are trying to get an exact number of bars in either of those.  You can obtain this Z-Soul from the Mix Shop.

"I'm neither Kami nor Piccolo now" gives +3 to all stats, activates auto-guard at max Stamina, and Health regen at max Ki.  If you plan on doing more Basic Attacks, and not using Ki as much, this can be a great Z-Soul to make your character very tanky.  Get this from the Mix Shop.

"Might as well" gives +4 to Strike Supers and Stamina, which is nice.  It also increases movespeed, and increases your Ki and Stamina regen.  All very nice things.  Get this from PQ57 in the DLC.

"I'll take you down" is pretty much for Kaioken or Unlock Potential users only.  It will let you start the battle with max Ki, which is useful for transforming and getting that max Ki attack boost immediately.  It also provides a +5 to Basic Attacks, which is very nice.  The -5 to Max Ki won't matter much since you got what you wanted already.  Just make sure you have enough ki auto-charge to keep it at max.  You can get this Z-Soul from PQ53.

"You can be my first victim" is the other Z-Soul that let's you start battles with max ki.  It also reduces all damage taken and increases Health, Basic Attacks, and Strike Supers, so it has plenty going for it.  It is also -5 to Ki Blast Supers, but we don't care about that here.  Get this from the Mix Shop.

Stat Point Distribution

Male earthlings are fairly versatile.  They are best used as brawlers or strikers, but can also be effective ki blasters or tanks.  I'm going to stick with the brawler/striker for this analysis, but keep in mind, it is by no means the only way to use them.

If you want to use Kaioken x20, your build is pretty straightforward... put 100 into Basic Attacks, Stamina, and Health, and you're done.  You don't want any other stat.

For using Unlock Potential, I recommend the following distribution for stat points, given level 99...
  • Max Health - 23 to 58
  • Max Ki - 25 or 50 (27 or 52*) [22 or 46**]
  • Max Stamina - 24 (25*) [20**]
  • Basic Attacks - 100
  • Strike Supers - 100
  • Ki Blast Supers - 0
I like having either 25 or 50 Max Ki, which gives you either 1 or 2 extra bars.  I'm not entirely sure if the Ki regen is fast enough at the default 4 bars to maintain Ki at max while using Unlock Potential, although I suppose it could be tested.  However, getting 5 or 6 bars ensures that you will still gain Ki while using Unlock Potential.  You could probably get away with just 6 or 8 points instead of 25, but you might as well make it an even bar.

*If using Vegito's Z-Soul, you want 27 or 52 to make it an even 5 or 6 bars.

**If using Kami-Piccolo Z-Soul, you only need 22 or 46 to have 5 or 6 bars.

For Stamina, I like to have 6 bars, enough to use an evasive twice, or snap vanish thrice.  This should be enough for most players, for most builds.  To get 6 bars, you only need 24 points in Stamina, thanks to all the extra Stamina from your equipment.

*If using Vegito's Z-Soul, you want 25 points for 6 bars.

**If using Kami-Piccolo Z-Soul, you only need 20 to have 6 bars.

This is the all out attacker.  Unlock Potential mixed with Vegito's Z-Soul will give you a nice increase in power.  Putting 100 points into Strike Supers and Basic Attacks means no matter how you attack, you will be doing some big damage.

If you have finished putting all the points you want into Ki and Stamina, you should be around level 15-27, depending on Z-Soul.  After this, max out your Basic Attacks and Strike Supers, which will take you to level 82-94.  After this, put all your remaining points into Health.  You will never use Ki Blasts anyway, so don't put anything there.

When all of that is done, you should look something like this...


You could reduce either Basic Attacks or Strike Supers to gain some other stats, because honestly, you probably don't need both that high (it is nice tho...).  For instance, if you wanted to focus more on Basic Attacks, you could reduce your Strike Supers to gain another bar or 2 of Stamina, which can be useful for a character always fighting at close range.  If you want to focus more on Strikes, reduce Basic Attacks to add another bar or 2 of Ki.  Or reduce either to gain more health.

Skill Set

Strike Supers

I like the following Super Attacks for any striker or brawler for dealing damage...
  • Power Pole Combo
  • Mach Punch/Kick
  • Shining Slash
  • Gigantic Omega
  • Meteor Crash
  • Orin Combo
  • Deadly Dance
Power Pole Combo is fairly fast, and does decent damage over several hits.  Good for general use and damage at close range.

Mach Punch and Mach Kick are obviously very fast.  Mach Punch is a little faster but less damage.  Anything fast is good, since it is hard to see coming, making it hard to block.  Close range only.

Shining Slash is slow, but it works from any range if you charge it enough.  Useful for closing long distances, since you will vanish and appear right in front of the opponent, where you can proceed to attack in any other way you see fit.

Gigantic Omega is kind of like a Ki Blast, but it counts as a Strike Super as far as your stats are concerned.  At short range, you effectively punch your opponent in the face with a Ki Blast.  At medium range, the punch misses, but the Ki Blast will still be thrown at your opponent for some good damage.  It's good for strikers since it works up to medium range, which they might normally struggle with.   It can certainly hit at long range, but doesn't have the best tracking, so it's typically not as effective since it becomes easy to dodge.  It is also a fairly fast attack, so very good all around.

Meteor Crash is great to throw at the end of a big melee combo, since it's basically one big melee combo itself.  You can hold it down to use more Ki to keep attacking, and keep the combo alive.

Orin Combo is another decent melee combination attack.  Fairly quick and close range.

Deadly Dance is yet another good melee combo that has a pretty wide hit box, and is also pretty fast.  Can also block weak Ki Blasts.

Utility Supers

For general utility Supers, I like these...
  • Crusher Ball
  • Recoome Kick
  • All Clear
  • Super/Hyper Drain
  • Prepare to be Punished
  • Afterimage Strike
  • Instant Transmission
  • Maximum Charge
  • Rise to Action
Crusher Ball is a Ki Blast, but it can be useful to a melee fighter since it's main selling point is it's ability to stagger enemies, which can be used to set up a melee combo.  For this reason, it's in the utility category.

Recoome Kick makes it into the utility category for it's use in increasing melee damage.  It is very slow and hard to hit however.

All Clear is great when you need to knock someone back.  Works while blocking, and effective against multiple opponents.

Super Drain allows you to steal your opponents Stamina.  Hyper Drain steals both Stamina and Ki (although not as much.  You could also consider Drain Charge to steal only Ki, but it's not as useful for this build.  Super Drain is a necessity for Kaioken users.

There are a number of reinforcement skills that can be used to go with Vegito's Z-Soul.  However, I like Pan's Prepare to be Punished the best, simply because you can get this off much faster than the fighting poses.  Point at your enemy, and done, stat boost... You won't be able to switch lock on until that opponent is defeated though, but that isn't usually a bad thing.  And if you really need to switch, it's not a big problem for a striker... simply use Blue Hurricane.  If you don't like the lock-on thing, go with whatever other pose you see fit.

Afterimage Strike is effectively like having a free evasive if used well.

Instant Transmission is very useful for getting around, especially when you have little to no ranged attacks.  It can even be used to avoid attacks.

Maximum Charge helps you get ki, which is good for farming PvE, although probably not the best choice since you regen Ki automatically, and should be getting plenty of it through brawling.  Don't even attempt this with this character in PvP, it's not worth it.

Rise to Action is necessary for Kaioken users, as it will spend Ki to recharge Stamina, allowing you to use Kaioken longer.


You don't necessarily need a transformation at all.  This character is perfectly fine without one.

Unlock Potential provides a nice 8-9% boost to all attacks though, which can be very nice.  When this stacks with reinforcement skills, max Ki boost, and Vegito's Z-Soul, you can dish out some serious pain, well worth trying out.  Although it drains your ki, it's much slower drain than super saiyan transformations.  And thanks to the earthlings' auto-charging Ki, you can use Unlock Potential forever, since you will still be gaining Ki even while transformed.  Although you don't gain the unlimited Ki use that super saiyan provides, you can still charge Ki in all the normal ways like dealing or taking damage (ways that do not charge Ki for super saiyans), ensuring that you can fire off plenty of Ki based attacks.

Kaioken x20 is also a good option.  It can provide a 15% attack increase, which will also stack with anything from Vegito's Z-Soul, reinforcements, and max Ki boost.  It is much harder to manage however, since it drains Stamina very fast.  But, it allows unlimited use of Stamina for it's duration, which means you are practically immune to damage, since you can always use an evasive to get out.  And that evasive should always be Angry Shout, so you can gain some Ki back, Ki that you can use for Super Drain and Rise to Action to get more Stamina to stay in Kaioken longer... It's a cycle that can keep you in Kaioken forever if you manage it well, but you gotta stay on your toes.

Strike Ultimates

This will be your big attack, for dealing huge damage.  If using Unlock Potential, you only get one, so choose wisely.  Lucky for you, there really aren't that many to choose from, since there are only 9 in total, far far less than the choices for Ki Blast Ultimates.
  • Justice Combo
  • Spirit Sword
  • Blue Hurricane
  • Death Meteor
Justice Combo is basically just a really big, really powerful melee combination.  It's fairly fast, only works at short ranges, but does some good damage if you can hit it.  Try to use in the middle of actual melee combos.

Spirit Sword is very hard to block or dodge, since it must be timed perfectly.  It come out fast to stab and stun your opponent, by which time they will not be able to escape the big damage from the oncoming slash unless they use an evasive.

Blue Hurricane has the potential to do more damage than any other attack in the game, since it lasts longer the more you are hitting enemies with it.  It's very effective at taking out Ozaru, which makes this attack essential when trying to level fast.

Death Meteor has long range which can be very nice for a melee character... but it doesn't do a lot of damage compared to most ultimates, and it can simply be blocked to mitigate most of that damage.


I like to use Angry Shout, since it will generate some Ki if you need it, and is absolutely essential for Kaioken users if you want to stay in Kaioken forever.  However, it does have a downside, in that you don't move anywhere, which means that you aren't really evading anything, merely becoming invincible for a second.  This can be a problem if you get caught in a long lasting ultimate like Blue Hurricane or Symphonic Destruction, because using one Angry Shout won't get you out, and you will still be getting hit after you finish shouting.  This isn't a problem if using Kaioken x20, since you can simply use Angry Shout again to continue being invincible for as long as you need.  Just keep that in mind, and go with whatever evasive you're comfortable with.

Mach Dash or Final Pose can also be good options here, since they count as a reinforcement skill for Vegito's Z-Soul.

How to Fight

This will vary greatly, depending on if you're going striker or brawler, Unlock Potential or Kaioken, or some mix of the two, or no transformation at all.  Whatever you do, it's hard to go wrong really (other than using Ki Blasts).  Even if you focused more on melee, you will still do some significant damage using Strike Supers, and vice versa.

Kaioken users can transform immediately, although it is recommended that you get a little Ki first, just so you're closer to getting that max Ki boost, and keeping you ready to use Rise to Action if you need it.  Using this will be a constant struggle to maintain, but making use of Rise to Action, Super Drain, and Angry Shout shout keep you going.  And if you are draining all of your opponents Stamina, they won't be able to escape when you start pounding them.

Unlock Potential users can transform whenever they have 3 bar of Ki.  Since you can still gain Ki, you will never de-transform, no matter what you do, and you can still use those 3 bars right now if you want, or continue gaining Ki to get that max Ki bonus.  Once you get max, you want to try to keep it that way, even if you're mixing melee and Strike Supers.  Try to only use Strikes from max Ki (you still get the damage bonus to those), then go in for melee until you max out again.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Dragonball Xenoverse: Female Saiyan Guide

Be sure to check out my other Xenoverse Guides.

Male Earthling


For attack stats, female saiyans have the 2nd highest stats in Ki Blast Supers (behind female earthlings) and Strike Supers (behind male earthlings), among the 8 possible races and genders.  However, they have the lowest stat in melee Basic Attacks, and they also tie with female majins for the lowest health stat.  They have medium to fast speed stats.

Being saiyan, they have access to super saiyan transformations, which provides a small increase to all stats, and allows for unlimited use of ki.  But this comes at the cost of a constant drain to ki, and not being able to charge ki from dealing or taking damage.

Because of their stats and access to super saiyan, female saiyans are best used as ki blasters or ki spammers.  Although an argument could be made for making them a striker, strike supers and ultimates are not as easily spammed as many ki blasts are.  Because of this, playing a striker means mixing in some melee Basic Attacks, and timing super and ultimates just right.  And while a female super saiyan could certainly do this effectively, I believe they are outclassed by male earthlings in this category, since not only will a male earthling do more far more damage from both Basic Attacks and Strike Supers, but also have far more health, which is good to have when at constantly fighting at close range.

Character Creation

Since your character's appearance has an effect on stats, I figured I should discus it first.  Only 2 things matter here: height and weight.  The rest is personal preference.

Height affects your character's speed and health.  Tall characters are slower, but have more health.  Short characters are faster, but have less health.  I typically like to be fast, and just use that speed to avoid damage, but this one is really a personal preference.  Try a few different heights and see what you like best.

Weight, however, is very important to most builds.  Light characters do more damage with Ki Blasts Supers.  Heavy characters do more damage with Strike Supers and melee Basic Attacks.  You definitely want the lightest weight here.


For Clothes, you want any of the following...
  • Vegito's Clothes
  • GT Goku's Gi
  • 4 Star Dragonball Outfit
All of these clothes reduce your Basic Attacks and Strike Supers stats, but increase your Ki Blast Supers.  Vegito's Clothes also increases your Max Ki, while the other 2 increase Max Health.  Any are good options, and you can mix and match these if you want.  Vegito's Clothes are more difficult to obtain, as they must be farmed from PQ49.  The other 2 are simply purchased at the shop.

For Z-Soul, I have 4 good options.
  • Guess we should fuse into Vegito.
  • Let me show you my evolved self.
  • I'll never forgive you now.
  • I'll take you down.
Vegito's Z-Soul gives +4 to Ki Blast Supers, while also giving a small increase to all stats while you have either a transformation or reinforcement skill active, which is good for pairing with super saiyan.  This Z-Soul also reduces Max Ki and Stamina slightly, so keep that in mind when distributing stat points if you are trying to get an exact number of bars in either of those.  You can obtain this Z-Soul from the Mix Shop.

"Let me show you my evolved self" is Golden Frieza's Z-Soul.  It gives +5 to Max Ki, and allows Ki to charge automatically over time.  While this is no where near as fast as an earthling's Ki auto-charge, it will help you stay in super saiyan form for much longer.  This Z-Soul also has a second ability that activates at low Health, which will slightly increase all stats, and provide a slow Health regen.  This pairs well with a saiyan's natural attack increase when at low Health, so that your attack goes crazy high if you ever take a lot of damage.  You can get this Z-soul from one of the DLC PQ's.

"I'll never forgive you now" reduces Ki Blast Supers, however, for each enemy that you KO, and for each ally that is KO'd, you recover max Ki, and get a slight increase to all stats.  This can help stay in super saiyan form longer, especially in PvE with lots of enemies, although this is probably not useful in PvP, unless you only play 3v3 matches.  You get this Z-Soul from PQ21.

"I'll take you down" will let you start the battle with max Ki, which is useful for transforming to super saiyan immediately, however, it gives a -5 to Max Ki, and doesn't increase any stat we care about.  There is another Z-Soul that let's you start battles with max ki, but it also gives -5 to Ki Blast Supers, and we really don't want that.  Despite it's drawbacks, starting a battle with Max Ki is extremely useful, especially in PvP, since it allows you to transform and start spamming immediately.  You can get this Z-Soul from PQ53.

Stat Point Distribution

Given that female saiyans only really have 1 good use, I recommend the following distribution for stat points, given level 99...
  • Max Health - 50 to 100
  • Max Ki - 50 to 100
  • Max Stamina - 50 (52*)
  • Basic Attacks - 0
  • Strike Supers - 0
  • Ki Blast Supers - 100
Putting 100 points into Ki Blast Supers is pretty obvious.  This is going to be the only way you do any kind of significant damage, so you want it to do as much damage as possible.  When leveling, you probably want to do this one first.

Next, you want at least 50 in Max Ki, although you could take it to 100 if you like.  The more you have, the longer you can stay in super saiyan.  For PvP, you probably don't need as much as you do in PvE, just keep that in mind.  My recommendation is to level this to 50, then finish leveling Stamina before putting any more in Ki.

For Stamina, I like to have 6 bars, enough to use an evasive twice, or snap vanish thrice.  This should be enough for most players, for most builds.  To get 6 bars, you need 50 points in Stamina...

*unless you are using some gear that reduces Stamina...

The only viable piece of gear for this build that reduces Stamina is Vegito's Z-soul.  If you are using this, then you will want to have 52 points in Stamina to get a full 6 bars.  Take those 2 points from either Health or Ki.

If you have finished putting all the points you want into Ki Blasts, Ki, and Stamina, you should be around level 68-85, depending on how much you put into Ki and Stamina.  After this, put all your remaining points into Health.  You will never use Strike Supers anyway, and you shouldn't even be using Basic Attacks other than to gain Ki at the start of the battle.  Plus, your Basic Attack stat is so low to begin with, coupled with the reductions from gear, that any investment here isn't going to be doing much.

When all of that is done, you should look something like this...

Skill Set

Ki Blast Supers

I like the following Super Attacks for any ki blaster or spammer for dealing damage...
  • Burst Kamehameha
  • Ill Flast
  • Recoome Eraser Gun
  • Perfect Shot
  • Big Bang Attack
  • DIE DIE Missile Barrage
Burst Kamehameha is one of the fastest Supers, yet still does great damage, especially with it's option to be double tapped to fire a second burst at the cost of more Ki.  However, a super saiyan doesn't care if anything costs more Ki.  This is great to use when you have your enemy caught in a melee combo, as it will be unavoidable.  This attack has medium to long range, but is easily dodged at anything but close range.

Ill Flash is another very fast attack.  It has short range but a large hit box, making it useful for hitting moving targets.  It pairs well with Instant Transmission for a surprise attack.

Recoome Eraser Gun and Perfect Shot are both very slow to charge, but do big damage.  Both pair with Gravity Impact or anything that causes opponents to stagger to help ensure a hit.

Big Bang Attack does decent damage for it's medium speed, and has a little bit of tracking.  But it's main selling point is it's ability to trap and damage enemies while it is still charging if they get too close.  This is useful if you have a melee opponent blinding charging at you, as they will get caught in the Big Bang while it is charging, then still get blasted by it for more damage.

DIE DIE Missile Barrage is fast, has great tracking at long range, and does some decent damage if most of the blasts hit.

Utility Supers

For general utility Supers, I like these...
  • Crusher Ball
  • Gravity Impact
  • Change the Future
  • Afterimage Strike
  • Instant Transmission
  • Maximum Charge
Crusher Ball does decent damage as a Ki Blast, but it's main selling point is it's ability to stagger enemies, which could be useful for setting up a combo with something else.  For this reason, it's in the utility category.

Gravity Impact can block ki blasts and send enemies flying backwards, which sets them up to being hit by something else.

Change the Future is a counter move that can be used to blast your opponent if you successfully use the move the counter a Ki Blast.

Afterimage Strike is effectively like having a free evasive if used well.  Instant Transmission is useful for getting around, surprising your enemy, and even avoiding attacks.

Maximum Charge helps you get ki, which is good if you want to get to super saiyan, and stay that way.  Be careful using this in PvP however, as it simply gives opponents a free shot at you most of the time.


Obviously we want to be super saiyan, but which one?  Super Saiyan gives a bigger boost to Strike Supers and melee Basic Attacks, while Super Vegeta gives a larger boost to Ki Blasts, so you want to go with Super Vegeta.

Stick to SV1 instead of SV2.  SV2 drains Ki twice as fast, but only increases stats about 2% more than SV1, so it is definitely not worth it.

Ki Blast Ultimates

This will be your big attack, for dealing huge damage, and thanks to super saiyan transformations taking up an ultimate slot, you only get 1, so choose wisely...
  • x100 Big Bang Kamehameha
  • Special Beam Cannon
  • Super/Perfect Kamehameha
  • Giant Storm
  • Death Ball/Super Vanishing Ball
x100 BBK will do insane damage, and has a big hit box, but only at close to medium range, and only directly in front of you.  It's pretty easy for most opponents to avoid, however, so you may not hit without help.

Special Beam Cannon is one of the fastest ultimates, cannot be blocked, and works at any range making it very useful.  Lower damage than most however.

Super/Perfect Kamehameha are pretty well balanced, medium speed, medium damage, medium to long range, and generally not hard to hit opponents with.  They are nearly identical, but Goku's Super Kamehameha is a little faster, while Cell's Perfect Kamehameha does a little more damage.

Giant Storm has a huge hit box, hits anywhere on the map, and does great damage.  Great for PvE when fighting lots of opponents.

Even though Death Ball got nerfed, it is still a great attack.  It is easily spammed being fairly fast, and having great tracking even at long range, but is a little low for damage as far as most ultimates go.  Super Vanishing Ball is pretty similar, but a little slower and more damage I believe.  Any giant ball attack could go here really, like Super Spirit Bomb, Supernova, etc, as they really only differ in speed and damage.


I like to use Angry Shout, since it will generate some Ki, allowing you to stay in super saiyan longer (or reachinig max ki faster).  However, it does have a downside, in that you don't move anywhere, which means that you aren't really evading anything, merely becoming invincible for a second.  This can be a problem if you get caught in a long lasting ultimate like Blue Hurricane or Symphonic Destruction, because using one Angry Shout won't get you out, and you will still be getting hit after you finish shouting.  Just keep that in mind, and go with whatever evasive you're comfortable with.

How to Fight

Get Ki as soon as you can, transform, then start blasting everything... pretty straightforward.

If you're in a PvP, you want start attacking to get some Ki, as well as to prevent your opponent from setting anything up.  In PvE, you should almost always use Maximum Charge, as it is generally very easy to charge at the start, and in between battles.  Try to get your Kir to max, or very close to it before transforming.  If you start with max Ki, transform immediately and go on the offensive.

Once transformed, you can start blasting til your heart's content.  Use whatever means necessary to make sure you connect with your ultimates.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Kerbal Space Program: Landing and Returning from Eve (using kethane jets)

One of the most difficult tasks in the game Kerbal Space Program (KSP) is returning a vessel from the surface of Eve.  With Eve having 1.7 times the surface gravity, and nearly 5 times the atmospheric pressure of Kerbin, this is no mission to be taken lightly.  And although it is Kerbin's closest neighbor, it generally requires more Delta-v to reach than Duna due to its 2.1 degree inclined orbit around the sun.  But as one of our presidents would have put it, "we choose to go to Eve and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard!"

Mission Parameters

  • Construct a ship in low Kerbin orbit (LKO) capable of taking Jebediah to the surface of Eve and back home to Kerbin.
  • Eve lander will use the KE-J65 turbines (kethane atmospheric jet engines) for a vertical takeoff.
  • Once leaving LKO, no new parts can be added to the mission, including refueling tankers.
  • May refuel by mining kethane.
  • The ship will consist of 4 parts...
    • Eve Lander - for getting Jeb to the surface of Eve and back into orbit.
    • Kethane Miner - to mine kethane on the surface of Eve's moon, Gilly.
    • Kethane Probe - small satellite to be placed in Gilly orbit to find deposits of kethane.
    • Mothership - the ship that will hold most of the fuel and engines for getting this mission where it needs to go.
  • Game version - KSP v0.20.2 - the most recent as of June 2013
  • Mods Used
    • MechJeb 2.0.7 - Used for extra information only, no autopilot.
    • Kethane 0.6.1
    • KSPX 0.2.2 - I had not intended to use any other mods, but I accidently used one part from this, a 2m to 1m structural adapter used on the tops of several fuel tanks to make them look a little less ugly.  I suppose it could easily be substituted for a stock nose cone; but by the time I remembered that it was a mod part, I was already in orbit around Eve and did not want to restart.
And finally, Jebediah put in a special request to land on Gilly as well (as he couldn't allow himself to be so close to a world without touching it).  Since putting a second lander can on the Gilly miner was out of the budget, we told Jeb that if he wanted to touch Gilly, he would have to do it himself.  So we will also watch as Jeb attempts to land on Gilly, and return to the ship, using only his EVA jetpack and no instrumentation other than his communications with the computer on the Mothership.

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Design Phase
Phase 1 - LKO to Gilly Orbit
Phase 2 - Mining Gilly and Jeb's EVA Landing
Phase 3 - More Gilly Mining
Phase 4 - Landing on Eve
Phase 5 - Return to Orbit
Phase 6 - Return to Kerbin

Future Planned Missions

 This whole mission was pretty much a practice for my planned Grand Tour.  Will need to do some design tweaking before that however.  I would love to make that Eve lander much lighter, but I think I am definitely on the right track with these kethane turbines.

I also want to do a single-launch Duna/Ike mission that will be a test of my all-purpose lander for the Grand Tour.  This mission will also include bringing a rover down with Jeb to the surface of Duna, picking that rover back up, then taking that same rover to Ike.